jasmine to mocha(chai)

// jasmine
     var input = ['Mars', 'Wayne', 'Mary'];
     var copy = input.slice(0);

// mocha + chai
    expect(input.length).to.be(copy.length); // TypeError: expect(…).to.be is not a function

// jasmine처럼 to.be 로 할 수 없음. 함수인 경우엔 equal를 써줘야 함.

// Boolean으로 결과가 나와야 할 테스트인 경우 to.be.true,to.be.false 이런 식으로 변환해줄 수 있음. 다만, 'be'가 소문자인 것에 유의할 것.

the be is an object that affects the meaning of the tests. Therefor you can't call it as it was a function but you need to access its properties or methods. chaijs.com/api/bdd
  • toEqual -> to.be.equal
  • toBe -> to.be.equal
  • toBeUndefined() -> to.be.undefined
  • beforeAll -> before or beforeEach
  • afterAll -> after or afterEach



Written bylastrites2018
I explain with words and code.

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